April 1826

2nd April. Sabbath. Had a large congregation at Layou and held a Lovefeast. Was favored with a good time. Here we have a few who have recently cast in their lot with us; O that their souls, and the good work in general may ever prosper, that while we travel and toil & sweat in this wasteing [sic] climate we may have the truly desirable and high gratification of seeing "the pleasure of the Lord prosper in our hands."

9th April/26. Sabbath: - Employed at Chateau-belair, - preached to two attentive congregations; - received five persons on trial, regulated & superintended the Sunday Schl. A boy with an impediment in his speech who could hardly pronounce a single letter with much difficulty & loss of time I advised to sing over the alphabet, and this he did with ease.

10th Now I have another week with its privileges, labours & trials before me. O may the power of the Highest overshadow me, and inspire wisdom to direct, as well as grace to suffer patiently & where necessary in exemplary silence: and may my profiting appear unto all. For these important ends I study and pray when the employments or appointements [sic] of each day will admit of retirement.

16th April/26. Lord's-day. Went to Layou & preached etc; admitting six candidates. Afterwards went forward to Town.

17th Held our quarterly meeting; no business at all difficult, and we met & parted in peace. The Lord is among his people, let Israel rejoice and be glad. We have had some increase of members and hope to have more. O that I might have my strong desire fulfilled in a revival of the work in P. Town, and that the present may be the most successful quarter yet experienced. Lord, pour thy Spirit on this western desert, and make it blossom as the rose. Thou art able to bless, and to bow the whole word to thy sway, & thou art also willing: O that men, yet in sin, would think on their ways, repent of their sins, believe in the great atonement made by thy son Jesus, and promise Thee for thy goodness to them & to this guilty world at large.

22nd April/26. Went to Town, preparative to preaching there tomorrow, and in time to admit of a town preacher going down to Leeward to supply my place. In the evening, as usual, conducted the band-meeting; with some satisfaction; yet was stuck with the apparent absence of deep piety, judging from their feeble statements, in some of the members, who, it seemed to me, did not get on better because of unwatchfulness. O Lord revive thy work; thy grace is essential thereto, so are our own vigilance, fidelity and zeal.

23rd Lord's-day. The Lord gave the word; & I was assisted, may it prove, "rightly to divide the word of truth", on each occasion. The power of God rested on us & it is not too much to hope for fruit of my labours under such cheering and favourable circumstances. His love is amazingly great in condescending to help one so weak; though it may be chiefly on account of the souls of the people. Still I regard it as a personal favor and tender my grateful praise.

24th This morning at 5 was again in the pulpit & addressed a numerous company and we found it very profitable to wait upon the Lord. After my 3 hours in the canoe, I am once more in the bosom of my dear little family, and here pray for the blessing of my God & offer Him all I have & all I am. May we all be devoted to Him!

30th April/26. Sabbath - Fair weather but a hot sun as I went again to Layou. Was there in good time & commenced my sacred work in humble dependence on the Great Power of my Lord & Master. His gracious presence was experienced and I trust that some good was done. Met a large class (the Leader being sick) settled a dispute between two members of Society, received two candidates on trial & superintended the Sunday school, which is but a little one, yet makes some progress. May it greatly improve!
