November 1825

Nov 5th/25. Went to Town, according to the circuit plan, in time to admit of a supply for leeward being there with day-light.

6th Sabbath; - Had several good meetings in Town, - the presence of the Lord was much felt, and the people seemed to enjoy the means of grace. A deeply serious company received the sacrament of the Lord's supper. O that greater good may be done in this and in every place. Amen.

7th Nov/25. Returned to P. Town, and thus finished an excursion which affords me more satisfaction than some which have preceeded [sic] it. I sometimes feel a degree of momentary embarrassment arising from the recurrence of such phrases as "glorious liberty" & "O the son shall make you free etc." "Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty", in my public labors , from habit at Home: lest the negroes should make an ill use of them; - or their owners turn such expressions into a design on our part to make their slaves dissatisfied with their civil condition. This in time will I hope & pray be overcome. One of our own Missionaries was once taken to the Governor, who is still in command here, for preaching on, "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal etc."; a circumstance that has rather contributed to increase than diminish my natural scruplousness [sic] and some of the same persons who heard the above named discourse & represented it to the Executive, retain their disposition to inform; & indeed to throw any obstacle whatever in our way. So I am assured by those who seem to have the requisite means of information.

13th Nov/25. Lord's-day: - Showery, - I went to Layou, and had as large congregations as could reasonably be expected. Was favored with a good time in preaching & afterwards met the Society.

20th Sabbath: - Preached at P. Town, - pretty large congregations & I felt the power of God encouragingly present; especially in the morning, but had considerable liberty both times. Preached Missionary sermons and made Collections in behalf of the Parent Society; and judging from the hallowed feeling experienced on the occasion, it surely cannot be too sanguine to expect to hear that some good was done.

25th Went to Town according to my appointment on the Circuit plan for Biabou but had to return home in consequence of an unexpected change, which wore not the most equitable aspect, and did not appear to be justified by necessity. Perhaps I was not made acquainted with all the circumstances; but why not? Did not oppose the change, for the sake of peace; but would have been better satisfied with the reason of it, especially as it caused me to lose time etc. etc. which I at least could prize. Perhaps this was permitted to teach me a lesson for a future day. May I profit by these disciplinary dispensations!

27th Nov/25. Went to Layou, and delivered a missionary sermon, enjoying, as the Lord ever enables me to do, the spirit of the Sabbath.

30th After an introductory visit to the Proprietor of Mount-Wynne Estate to solicit permission to preach to & catechise his slaves, and a favorable reception; I attended this evening for the first time, and had a large congregation. My first essay was, a present salvation through the blood of the Lamb. Many children present whom I catechised after sermon. This estate has never before been open to missionary labors , though some of the slaves have long been members of P. Town Society. "Molly" the present Leader among them has suffered many severe flagellations for only going to chapel 3 miles distant; and now to have the Gospel taken to their very doors must seem to them a marvellous thing. The house in which I preached is a spacious & substantial building of wood, was erected for Divine worship at a time when John P. Th_ll, son of an English Clergyman, was manager; who was to officiate on Sundays for the benefit of the Slaves & to keep them from P. Town Chapel! To the slaves it was no benefit, but a snare, as they were required to attend. At length the manager priest & his master disgraced one Sabbath morning & the latter for victory's sake gave permission to the slaves to go whither they would to worship. Such at least is my information, and we have a good beginning; May this attempt be made a great blessing to many souls & to the Proprietor himself with his numerous family.
