June 1825

4th June. Mr Pope & family have left us to ourselves in P. Town. I feel very Thankful to God for my appointment to this island & to the Leeward part of it, including three societies. I feel attached to my charge, and to my retired situation, with all its inconveniences. But we have learned to be thankful for a few comforts & to submit to God that we may grow in grace. This I am sure is the case already. Praise God & the Lamb for evermore! O that my dear Anna & I may live in all the glory of the Kingdom, pure in heart & in life; and be made a blessing to thousands of precious souls. Amen. At present there are in the 3 leeward Societies about 460 members, a large majority of them are slaves. All appear, so far as I have observed, to be the subjects of a work of grace.

20th June/25: - I have now preached a few times to each of the leeward congregations. The privileges it has been my duty to hold forth to others, the Lord has graciously enabled me, myself to enjoy; and my soul has been very happy while engaged in the arduous, responsible & important work of the ministry. O that my desire may be fulfilled, that the good work of God may abundantly prosper in my hands. For this I do earnestly pray to Almighty God, and hope to see knowledge diffused more largely, hinderances to the extension of religion removed out of the way, and the thirst poured out from on high as the mouth of the Lord hath spoken. All my reliance is on the sovereign efficacy of Divine grace, for I find my self to be what I always supposed I was at Home, a weak & unworthy instrument. The Lord give me grace to be faithful. Amen.

27th June/25. Just returned from my Sabbath's labors in Kingstown - a distance of 12 miles, and takes a canoe with one pair of oars, what is here called a "scull-boat", three hours to travel it, and in bad weather longer. On Saturday evening there is a band meeting, some-times on Sunday morning Tickets to give at 6½ - and after the public service, marriages baptisms & examination of candidates take much time. The evening service is attended by several merchants & gentlemen of influence. Not more than 3 months ago the Governor, Sir Charles Brisbane & suite attended public service in our chapel. A large pew was fitted up for their reception. Yesterday in the various means of grace I attended, much of the Divine presence was manifested to me. In dispensing the Word of life, I tasted its precious influence and my soul exulted in the Lord my Saviour. The Lovefeast, which was held in the afternoon, was a profitable season and many testified, with much pious expression & true Christian simplicity, their attachment to God & his blessed cause. Made happy in my vocation and enjoying it much, I pray for many seals to my ministry who shall be the crown of my rejoicing in the day of the Lord Jesus. The Preacher, in Town on the Lord's day, has to officiate again next morning at five to a congregation of some hundreds. What with the labors of the Sabbath & the anticipation of this additional duty, I felt doomed to a feverish restless all night long. Add to this, 3 hours more in a canoe before breakfast, in order to reach home, makes the Town appointment more than I can yet manage comfortably. Yet seasoned missionaries complain of fatigue etc.

30th June/25. - Yesterday afternoon I was unexpectedly called to attend at Rutland Vale Estate to inter the remains of a Mr C. who, it was said, died of a very malignant fever. He has left a very young widow, married only a short time ago. She is the grand-daughter of Mrs Mitchell, formerly & till her death an excellent Leader in our Society in Kingstown. This was the first funeral I attended in the West Indies; nothing particular appeared in the procession, as it was conducted in the English manner and the gentlemen present were mostly Europeans. I was introduced to one who was a native of St. Kitts; Col. Edward Jackson, of Palmiste Park; Col. of Militia in this island. He very kindly offered me lodgings at his residence, about a mile distant. This I declined on the present occasion as my Home was only 4 miles distant & the boat was waiting close at hand to convey me thither.
